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From Monday to Friday
9:00am - 00:30pm
02:00pm - 06:00pm
Tel: +39 0541 759367
Production Department
The production cycle: from the design to the finished product • Project analysis Each project is evaluated by our engineers using the latest 3D CAD systems, right from the design stage following production optimization criteria and designing the die so as to ensure maximum durability. • Foundry Department The department is composed of automated islands made up of: holding furnace, metal loader, press, lubricator, anthropomorphous robot for part handling and a shearing machine. The presses range from 250 to 750 tons capacity. • Production Production covers a vast range of parts from just a few grams to several kilos. All the presses are equipped with an electronic process parameter control and programming system so that repeatability of the production cycles is ensured. • Alloys used UNI 46000 – UNI 46100 – UNI 44300 – UNI 42100 – Unifont 94 UNI 9410 – Self-hardening alloy – Food-grade alloy. • Mechanical Machining Department The mechanical machining facility covers a surface area of 2000 m2. Latest-generation machinery allows quickly and accurately satisfying every need. The department is structured with robotized islands featuring milling and turning machines interlocked with an anthropomorphous robot and a viewing system. • Metrological room In order to ensure product excellence and compliance of each single parameter, the Squadrani Group uses a sophisticated metrological room equipped with cutting-edge measuring instruments. • Finishing Department The surface finishing department is largely equipped with robotized islands for trimming, sandblasting and tumbling in order to carry out the most demanding finishing operations in the best way possible. The production process is carried out with painstaking precision and the most complicated surface finishing processes, such as chromium-plating, painting, polishing, anodizing are facilitated by our multiyear close collaboration with leaders in the sector.
The Departments
Foundry – Machining – Finishes